Subset playlist generated after the keyword "soft".
Make shure you check the monthly flow.
A artist subset playlist by DJ Habett.
Air - Californie
Premiers Symptomes (1999)
easy - soft - groove - french - bright - spring - breaks - energy - statement - lean - green - lights -
John Cale - Antartica starts here
Paris 1919 (1973)
seminal - soft - pop - anthem - epic - legend - smokes - chords - clouds - depth - rhodes - attic - statement -
All India Radio - Permanent revolutions
002 (2001)
ambient - silence - post - soft - rock - pop - moods - chords - depth - genre - blending - blunt - smokes - clouds - memories - remote - afar - field -
Air - Caramel prisoner
10 000 Hz legend (2001)
french - triphop - frequencies - subs - pop - easy - soft - theme - cinematics - guitars - acoustic - glide - uplifting -
Lovage - Lifeboat
Music to make love to your old lady by (2001)
pop - statement - speech - social - romantic - easy - soft - beats - brushes - moods - motto - theme - purple - crooner -
J.J. Cale - Crazy Mama
Naturally (1972)
anthem - laidback - organic - guitars - microphone - soft - tone - genius - pop - downtempo - summer - chillout -
Phoenix - Honeymoon

french - indie - pop - sugar - bright - organ - unity - melody - nostalgia - easy - soft - median - lights - green -
Cornelius - Cannabis

easy - listening - narcotics - weeds - seeds - spliff - unity - cocktail - mushrooms - soft - jazz - chorus -
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