Subset artist playlist generated for "Faith no more".
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Faith no more
A keyword subset playlist by DJ Habett.
Faith no more - This guy's in love with you

cover - live - funny - piano - easy - genre - blender - vocals - poor - pop - rock - american - dirty -
Faith no more - Epic
The real thing (1989)
epic - rock - metal - fat - fm - pop - obvious - chords - singalong - stadium - adult -
Faith no more - Evidence
Kind for a day, fool for a lifetime (1995)
groove - american - rock - adult - fm - serious - core - emotional - whawha - instruments - vocals - purple -
Faith no more - Just a man
Kind for a day, fool for a lifetime (1995)
ballad - lean - parted - unity - silver - lining - festival - epic - groove - define - genre -
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